Friday, 25 February 2022



About Conference

Conference series llc LTD proudly announces the “2nd International Conference on Telemedicine & Digital Health” which will be held during March 24-25, 2022 virtually. Telemedicine Congress 2022 highlighted the theme Digital health is a cultural transformation of traditional healthcare”.

Telemedicine Congress 2022 are honored to host high-profile Keynote Speakers from around the world as well as many concurrent oral and poster presentations, Young Researchers Forum, Delegates to discuss and share on key plant science research, related to diverse sessions on - e-health, healthcare IT, health informatics, biomedical engineering, connected health, internet health care, telemedicine, telehealth, telecare, medical imaging, mobile health, mobile technologies, wearable devices, genomics and personal genetic information, personalized medicine, Big Data and data management, wellness and prevention, gerontology and social care services, simulation and gamification, patient accessibility, acceptability and behavior, policy and regulation, and the social, political, cultural and ethical implications of advances in the field.

Telemedicine Congress is focused on sessions covering topics such as important, innovative, and practice-changing research on any topic connected with digital technology in clinical medicine, public health, and global health. We serve the digital health, clinical and wider health communities by promoting high-quality science and supporting the ethical use of technologies and data in practice.

Telemedicine Congress 2022 mainly focuses on TelemedicineeHealth & Health Informatics, It is now being extensively used in medical and healthcare sectors; Hence telemedicine and medical informatics are expected to grow at a high rate in coming years, which is expected to boost the growth of the medical care technology. In Telemedicine, one transfers the expertise, not the patient. The term telehealth can refer to clinical and non-clinical services such as medical education and clinical research and telemedicine refer only to the provision of medical services.

Telemedicine Congress 2022 is one of the Digital health meeting, which will be visited by all the  Medical Informatics professionals, directors, CEO’s, Presidents, Vice-presidents, CMIO’s, CNIOs, Professors, Associate professors, Assistant professors, Clinicians, Business Delegates to exchange the novel ideas and innovations from all over the world. This Telemedicine Webinar will help professionals to learn the latest advances in the rapidly evolving field of Digital Health and E-Health.

Target Audience:

  1. Directors/Managers and Business Delegates, Medical specialist.
  2. Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacist, Director of Laboratories.
  3. Medical Industries, Investigators, Telemedicine researchers, Post-Doctoral Fellows.
  4. Research and Diagnostic Laboratories, Clinical Fellows, Students.
  5. Medical Research companies, Medicine and Pharmacy companies.
  6. Health policy makers, clinicians, and healthcare professionals, health informaticians.
  7. Physician, Health researchers.

Conference Keywords

TelenursingTele pharmacyTele rehabilitationTele Trauma CareTelecardiologyTelepsychiatryTeleradiologyTelepathologyTele DermatologyTeledentistryTeleaudiologyTeleophthalmologyTelesurgeryHealth Information Technologye-HealthRemote TherapyClinical Health CareClinical Information SystemDigital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM)Digital healthcare

Conference Highlights

Friday, 26 October 2018

#20days to go
#November 16-17, 2018

Monday, 3 September 2018

#Track_7:Emerging Technology on Health system Informatics
November 16-17,2018
Melbourne Australia

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Mobile_Health_Units_Are_Latest_Telehealth_Tool_to_Fight_Opioid_Abuse hashtagHow_Are_States_Using_Telemedicine_to_Tackle_the_Opioid_Abuse_Crisis? By virtue of its ubiquitous presence in today’s society, the smartphone is an ideal tool for substance abuse and addiction treatment. It offers a platform for both population health programs and individual treatments. For public health groups or community health clinics, a hashtagmessaging_platform can be as simple as a group text or e-mail or as sophisticated as a daily survey that pushes targeted information based on how each question is answered. hashtagTelemedicine_Congress_2018 hashtagMelbourne hashtagAustralia hashtagNovember 16-17, 2018
meet eminent speaker @kiyomo_sakata hashtagiwate_medical_university hashtagjapan @telemedicine_congress_2018 hashtagMelbourne hashtagAustralia hashtagNovember 16-17,2018